​​​​238  Grand  Ave.  South  San  Francisco  CA  94080   |   650-872-6716 

Increased Dexterity Skill-sets
Improve foot-eye coordination and footwork through these drills. 


Better Ball Handling
Every coaching session includes ball handling fundamentals.

Improved Flexibility & Range of Motion

Stretching is a critical part of any athletic routine. We know that.

Correct Footwork Application
We'll help your player apply proper footwork to his/her complete game. 

Improved Decision Making Abilities
Brain teasers, and strategy are a part of any game, including soccer.

Training content:

Personal Goal Keeper Sessions

Work your personal skills, technical abilities &  fundamentals of goalkeeping in your own private agility, with the personal direction of the Solo Soccer Shop Mechanics of repetition

Group Goal Keeping Sessions

help build strength, endurance and mental toughness, on a leaning group enviroment

small group sessions up to Four (4)



Partner with  Solo Soccer Shop 4  coaching experience


With 30 years of Professional Futbol experience Solo Soccer Shop:

  • Fundamental Training 
  • Position-Specific Strategy
  • Focus on Teamwork and Interpersonal skills
  • Ball Handling Drills 
  • Personal Mentoring based on athlete's stated goals
  • Personal Goalkeeping Training

Solo Soccer Shop.

weekly  COde



S.  San  Francisco's   Soccer  Equipment  Store

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with all the news 

Business Hours :

TUE.       11 am  -  7 pm

WED.      11 am  -  7 pm

THU.      11 am   -  7 pm

FRI.       11 am   -  7 pm

SAT.      10 am   -  5 pm

SUN.     10 am   -  2 pm

MON.     CLOSED  ​​